Thursday, 31 October 2013

Golf Games and Pilates Fitness


When you are learning and practicing golf, it takes a while to get past the beginning levels of the game. Not everyone can master the skill to take a shot off the tee past the fairway and to the putt after a few games. Your level of fitness has a fair amount of role in this. Players of elite sports such as golf are always particular about adding Pilates sessions in their fitness regimen.

However, once that happens, the competitive nature of golfers starts to emerge. If you have been playing the game in foursome, you may now want to compete with the members of your group. Although golf comprises of the general 18-hole round, there are multiple different games that have a competitive edge while some of them can be personalized.


Scramble is one of the favorites among golfers from around the world which explains why most of the golf tournaments and competitions use this format. If you have fun at golf as a loner, scramble is not the right type of game for you. It’s a team game played with a strategy where you have a better chance of scoring..

The format of this type of golf is pretty simple. First, everyone is allowed a shot and the place where the ball from the best shot lands is where everyone continues. The format continues until the ball makes its ground into the cup. Scramble is most fun when played with four partners but that is not a rule. You can have scramble between two or three persons. Besides that, the golfers are not compelled to commence the game from the best shot. You can improvise and play from the poor shot of one of your friend and that’s perfectly fine.

Best Ball

Best ball is another addition to golf where the match commences with the selection of the better ball of the two players in the game of three players. All the different sorts of golf playing are often referred with best ball. In the world of golf, this game comes out as an enduring challenge for players having different levels of skill. Pilates works wonders in this regard to support the spine against the stress from stroke playing.

Best ball contest is usually held between teams and the score of the team that gets noted is the lowest score of any team member on that hole. Finally, the team with the lowest score emerges as the winner.

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